Product details

Krill do Antártico
6X Bolsas (720cápsulas)


Fornecimento de 360x dias do melhor SUPLEMENTO de óleo de krill antártico

  • 12x Destilação e Refinamento
  • 216mg – EPA/DHA Ácidos gordos ómega 3
  • 58mcg média Astaxantina
  • 420mg Fosfolípidos
  • 100% Sabor a baunilha – Swiss-Caps 500mg cápsulas compactas
  • Reutilizável. Recipiente original de Omega-3 da Noruega. Concebido e fabricado na Noruega


REF: 5060418920112 Categoria:

Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Our Omega-3 oils and marine oils are manufactured on processing plants which have been approved by the European Union for export of fishery products to the union meaning that they have implemented, and are maintaining, food hygiene procedures based on the HACCP principles and is in compliance with the EU regulations 852/2004/EC, on the hygiene of foodstuffs, and 853/2004/EC setting forth specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin, as well as regulation 854/2004/EC laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption.

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