After 11 events so far this season Tarjei Bø (Norway Omega ambassador) is currently ranking World number Four MEN’S WORLD BIATHLON CUP and his brother Johannes ranking as World number two. This weekend the IBU (International Biathlon Union) was in the beautiful setting of Ruhpolding, in the Traunstein district of South Eastern Bavaria. On Friday the Norwegian Mens 4×7.5km Relay Biathlon were the Champions in Ruhpolding.
The season so far has seen an abundance of snow..An action packed weekend with six events over three days..
On Friday 12th January, in what some say is the most exciting competition of the weekend the Mens 4X7.5 KM Relay Competition The Norwegian team won Gold with a huge 29.40 second lead over runner up France 1 1 NORWAY NOR 0+4 0+3 0+7 1:13:11.1 BIRKELAND Lars Helge 0+1 0+0 0+1 18:08.2 BOE Tarjei 0+3 0+0 0+3 36:29.5 SVENDSEN Emil Hegle 0+0 0+1 0+1 54:45.3 BOE Johannes Thingnes 0+0 0+2 0+2 1:13:11.1

15.12.2017, Annecy-Le Grand Bornand, France (FRA):
Tarjei Boe (NOR) – IBU world cup biathlon,
sprint men, Annecy-Le Grand Bornand (FRA). © Manzoni/NordicFocus.
Tarjei Bø, Ruhpolding Sunday 14th January, Mens 15 KM MASS START COMPETITION Johannes Thinges Bø wins the Gold with the Frenchman Martin Fourcade right behind in second (4.5 seconds) and his older brother and Norway Omega ambassador Tarjei Bø coming in 14.2 seconds thereafter witha cool fifth position.
Tarjei has had a great start to the IBU season and is setting his sites on the Olympic games in PyeongChang, South Korea which commences on the 9th of February. Here the full spectrum of events shall take place over 14 days..

06.01.2018, Oberhof, Germany (GER):
Tarjei Boe (NOR) – IBU world cup biathlon, pursuit men, Oberhof (GER).
Stay tuned to win tickets for upcoming races this season.
Best, Team Norway Omega